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The political economy of the concept of time in the General Theory of John Meynard Keynes.
Vlassis Missos
Issue 9
Εισαγωγή: Μαρξιστικές προσεγγίσεις στην ιστορία της τέχνης Χριστίνα Δημακοπούλου
Christina Dimakopoulou
Issue 10
Ιστορία της τέχνης και πάλη των τάξεων: Μια ανάγνωση
Nicos Hadjinicolaou
Issue 10
Theories about the Radicality of Contemporary Art, or, what happens when Art History forgets Marxism
Louiza Avgita
Issue 10
Class Consciousness and the Crowd in American Realist and Socialist Art, c. 1905-40
Andrew Hemingway
Issue 10
Prehistory of the 1939 Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact
V.M. Falin (Валенти́н Миха́йлович Фа́лин)
Issue 7
The Artist as Producer: Towards a New Approach of Artistic Radicalism
Nikos Pegioudis
Issue 10
Proletarian Drawing: West German Pedagogy’s Communicative Turn in the 1970s
Anna-Maria Kanta
Issue 10
Βιβλιοκρισία: Λίφσιτς, Μιχαήλ. Η φιλοσοφία της τέχνης του Καρλ Μαρξ. Μτφρ. Μαρία Μαντώ Γιαννίκου. Αθήνα: Τόπος, 2018
Alexandros Daskalakis
Issue 10
On the head of a pin? Investigating the interrelation between space and critique in economic theory.
Eleni Drakaki
Issue 9
More Equal Patterns of Landownership, Stuck in Agriculture and Literacy Development: Evidence from the Late Nineteenth-Century Greece.
Tryfonas Lemontzoglou
Issue 8
Ορισμένα εννοιολογικά προβλήματα στη μαρξιστική φεμινιστική ανάλυση
Michèle Barrett
Issue 11
The Impact of Joseph Stalin’s Linguistic Article on Soviet Musicology.
Panos Douvos
Issue 9
Marx and the Indians. From philosophical anthropology to empirical ethnology.
Costas Galanopoulos
Issue 8
Για έναν υλιστικό φεμινισμό
Christine Delphy
Issue 11
The Munich sell-off and World War II: lessons learned?
N.A. Narochnitskaya (Н.А. Нарочницкая)
Issue 7
The process of reactionary revision of World War II in the Balkans: the cases of Serbia and Croatia
Domna Koffa
Issue 7
Why did Marx abandon Nominalism?
Stathis Psillos
Issue 9
The Two Suns and the Abolition of Labour. Hegel, Marx, and the Protection of Freedom against Economic Inequality.
Georges Faraklas
Issue 8
Τι είναι υλικό στον υλιστικό φεμινισμό; Μια μαρξιστική φεμινιστική κριτική
Martha E. Gimenez
Issue 11
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