Issue 9 – 2021/1 article The political economy of the concept of time in the General Theory of John Meynard Keynes. Vlassis Missos article On the head of a pin? Investigating the interrelation between space and critique in economic theory. Eleni Drakaki article The Impact of Joseph Stalin’s Linguistic Article on Soviet Musicology. Panos Douvos article Why did Marx abandon Nominalism? Stathis Psillos article Marx and the critique of ideology. From philosophy to science? Konstantinos Stergiopoulos article Marx, Science and Ethics: The Theses on Feuerbach as rejection of eliminative naturalism. Thodoris Dimitrakos article “Nature” and “praxis”. Elements for a non-reductive materialism in Marx’s early work. Jannis Kozatsas translation The use of knowledge in society Friedrich Hayek HOME CONTENTS