Issue 8 – 2020/2 article More Equal Patterns of Landownership, Stuck in Agriculture and Literacy Development: Evidence from the Late Nineteenth-Century Greece. Tryfonas Lemontzoglou article Marx and the Indians. From philosophical anthropology to empirical ethnology. Costas Galanopoulos article The Two Suns and the Abolition of Labour. Hegel, Marx, and the Protection of Freedom against Economic Inequality. Georges Faraklas article The keyword against -isms. The conditions for the completion of a quiet revolution. Manthos Santorineos article The place as gaze and geography as a field for the composition of contemporaneity. Louiza Avgita translation Beyond Wall Street and the People’s Republic – The end of capitalism and its future. Klaus Vieweg book reviews Κουρούτζας Χρήστος 2018. Εγκληματολογία της Γενετικής, Αθήνα: Πεδίο. Ourania Georgopoulou book presentation Wolfgang Streeck Buying Time The Delayed Crisis of Democratic Capitalism. Anastasia Ioannidou HOME CONTENTS